MinLaw Seeks Feedback on Recommendations to Enhance Singapore's Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency Regime
11 March 2025 Posted in Press releases
1. The Ministry of Law (“MinLaw”) launched a public consultation today to seek feedback on the recommendations by the Committee to enhance Singapore’s Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency Regime (the “Committee”).
2. The public consultation will run for four weeks, ending on 8 April 2025.
Recommendations by the Committee
3. Convened by MinLaw, the Committee1 was tasked to consider measures to further enhance Singapore’s corporate debt restructuring and insolvency (“R&I”) framework, and to attract even more international users to utilise Singapore’s R&I regime.
4. The Committee has completed its work and has published its report2 detailing its views, perspectives and recommendations on proposed amendments. The Committee has made a total of nine recommendations, which fall into four broad categories:
a) Strengthening the judicial management regime;
b) Refining the cross-class cramdown in schemes of arrangements;
c) Refining the framework and tools for efficient debt restructurings; and
d) Adopting the UNCITRAL Model Law on Enterprise Group Insolvency and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Recognition and Enforcement of Insolvency-Related Judgments.
Public Consultation
5. MinLaw is seeking feedback on the Committee’s recommendations to assist the Ministry to better assess and further refine the proposals where appropriate.
6. For those who wish to submit their views, they may do so by 8 April 2025 at the following link: https://go.gov.sg/public-consultation-on-the-rni-committee-report-feedback.
11 MARCH 2025
1. The Committee comprises members across the corporate R&I ecosystem in legal, banking and finance industries with domestic and international practices, as well as academia, and members of the Government.↩
2. The report by the Committee is available at the following link: https://go.gov.sg/public-consultation-on-the-rni-committee-report.↩
Last updated on 11 Mar 2025